ISA2017: And the winner is…

It was an exciting and eventful evening in the Hamburger Gruenspan club on Sept. 21 when the winners of the first International Sound Awards were announced. Altogether 15 works were on the shortlist, five of which were honoured with the „ISAbell“ trophy – some winning in several categories. The winners from Brazil, Sweden and Germany had convinced the international jury with their sound projects from the fields of Audio Branding, Digital Product Sound Design, Research&Development, Ambient Sound, Social&Culture, Health and Universal Design.

Johannes Kahrs, member of the German Bundestag, promised his support in his keynote to keep this event permanently in the media hub Hamburg. The band „Drum The World“ was a highlight at the event sweeping the audience away with their captivating percussion performance.

The Winners of ISA2017

LATAM Airlines Audio Branding

Category: Audio Branding
Entrant: Sound Thinkers, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Siemens Audio Branding

Category: Audio Branding
Entrant: why do birds, Berlin, Germany

Kuka Brand Experience

Category: Ambient Sound
Entrant: kligng klang klong GbR, Berlin, Germany / Meso Digital Interiors GmbH

Interactive 3D Sound by USOMO

Categories: Digital Product Sound Design, Research & Development
Entrant: FRAMED Immersive Projects GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, Germany

The Impossible Run

Categories: Social & Culture, Health, Universal Design
Entrant: Lexter Sounddesign, McCann Stockholm, Bacon Productions, Sweden

ISA2017 Report

ISA2017 Impressions

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