Workshop on 20th of September 2017
The Sound of Stuff – Sound Cultures and Theories from a Cultural-Anthropological Perspective
Lecturer: Anna Symanczyk – University of Hamburg
Sound Design follows acoustic rules and technical restrictions, but also very differentiated aesthetic factors for a wide array of atmospheres, qualities, and suggestions of use and perception made through the sounds. How is cultural knowledge taking part in the development of sound, especially in its aesthetic and semiotic meaning? How does this knowledge influence the sensualisation, emotionalisation, and habitualization of sound? The talk offers an unusual perspective – that of a cultural anthropologist researching sound design – on the practices, motives, and responsibilities of sound design.
Anna Symanczyk
Anna Symanczyk, M.A., is a Cultural Anthropologist and Art Historian. She works at Universität Hamburg in the research project „Der Klang der Dinge“ (The Sound of Things). In her Ph.D. project she does research on processes of product sound design. She was recipient of the scholarship 2014 of the Isa Lohmann-Siems Foundation in Hamburg and worked in an interdisciplinary research project called „Klang-Kontakte. Zur Kommunikation, Konstruktion und Kultur von Klängen“. She has been teaching at the Institut für Volkskunde/Kulturanthropologie at University of Hamburg and the Institut Kultur der Metropole at Hafen City Universität, Hamburg. Her latest publication: A. Symanczyk/D. Wagner/M. Wendling (ed.): Klang – Kontakte. Kommunikation, Konstruktion und Kultur von Klängen. Schriftenreihe der Isa-Lohmann-Siems-Stiftung Band 9. Berlin 2016.