Since October 2008 Dipl.-Kfm. Daniel Wagenführer is working as research assistant for the Chair of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Hamburg. His research focus lies in the field of marketing research and semantic analysis of qualitative data. In this context he investigates specific measurement approaches regarding consumer attitudes and behaviour. In several projects with reference to company practice, he obtained the responsibility of the project management, study design and analysis.
Previously Mr. Wagenführer studied Business Administration at the University of Hamburg with the focus on marketing, informatics and industrial management. He gained several experience in different companies especially in the field of marketing. Among other activities he worked in a project regarding the marketing strategy for an industrial company in Sydney. Furthermore he worked in different positions for IBM in Germany.
Chair of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Hamburg
Presentation: Sound Design for New Products: Interactions with Technical Functionalities and Branding