Wilbert Hirsch was born in 1961 in Hamburg. During his studies in classical guitar, he started composing for advertising spots in the early 1980s. In 1990 Hirsch founded complete audio GmbH, a music production company for advertising and film. During the nineties he also worked in Hollywood, and scored movies like American Werewolf in Paris or Mute Witness.
Wilbert Hirsch is Senior Partner and co-founder of the audio consulting group – one of the worlds leading companies for acoustic branding strategies. The audio consulting group helps national and international clients to gain their communication efficiency by using acoustic branding strategies. With the publication of his “Brand Aesthetics & Acoustic Branding” in 1999, Hirsch was one of the first to introduce a concept that is considered today to be one of the standards about acoustic branding.
Presentation: Acoustic Branding in All Dimensions – UBS