Walter Werzowa
Composer of the Intel Audio Logo, Musikvergnügen, Hollywood (US)
Walter Werzowa was born in Vienna, Austria, where he studied classical guitar and electronic music at Vienna Musik Hochschule. His collaboration with Otto M. Zykan opened doors for contemporary classical music. Walter moved to the United States of America, at which point, he studied film music at the University of Southern California. Werzowa is most famous for having composed and produced the Intel “Bong,” which is allegedly broadcast somewhere in the world once every five minutes. Since its conception in 1994, he has re-arranged it to keep it current. Besides audio branding, Werzowa also composes music for feature films.
“Der Klang macht die Musik” “Tone defines content”
Perform the same melody arranged differently and see what happens…
Walter Werzowa, audio branding Guru, has created world’s most recognizable mnemonics – Intel, Samsung, LG, Red Bull mobile, HLN, TBS, and many more. He contributed new insight in UI sound development. With his Los Angeles team he writes for trailers, movies and commercials, audio installations.
Interview with Walter Werzowa: