Call for Papers – Poster
The Influence of Sound Design in Videogames on Brand Awareness: An Acoustic Branding Study for MLP and the audio consulting group
Patrick Langeslag, Julia Schwieger (audio consulting group, Hamburg), Martin Sinn (Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen)
The purpose of the report is to assess the influence of sound design in online-videogames on user behaviour as well as brand awareness. An online survey (n=149) consisting of four groups has been set up – one control group, one group which was exposed to a sound logo and two groups, which were asked to play a non-branded, respectively branded videogame. Main finding of the report was that sound logos learned in videogames can be connected to a brand. Further, videogames with a branded sound design influence the level of brand recognition positively. Moreover, a branded videogames can affect perceived brand values and hence, brand image. Otherwise, the branded sound design had no influence on user behaviour or different aspects of brand awareness.