Guideline for submissions

This year’s Audio Branding Congress will take place at Oxford Examination Schools. The Audio Branding Academy is partnering with the University of Oxford, who will be hosting the conference. The theme of the 2012 congress, “Listen to consumers”, will put emphasis on questions linking audio branding and consumer research. Keynote speakers from Oxford University will be Prof. Nancy Puccinelli (Saïd Business School) and Prof. Charles Spence (Department of Experimental Psychology).

In addition to a call for best practice cases, there is a call for scientific papers in the fields of “Audio Branding”, “Consumer Research”, and “Multisensory Design/Communication”. Accepted submissions will be presented either as a 20 minute talk or as a poster within a scientific forum.

Guideline for submissions

A) Audio Branding
B) Consumer Research
C) Multisensory Design/Communication

Submissions must incude:

Participants: The call is open for all postgraduate papers at the interface of theory, practice and research.

Requirements: Outstanding pieces of research that contribute to the research of an intentional and responsible use of sound and music in corporate communications (audio branding), consumer research, or multisensory design/communication.

Submission deadline: August 31, 2012

How to submit: All submissions must be sent in digital format to: info (at)

Forms of presentation: 20 minute talk or poster at the Audio Branding Congress 2012

Language: English (submissions and presentations)

Reviewing procedure: The Audio Branding Academy will make a pre-selection among all submissions according to their relevance to the congress. In a second step, the most promising submissions will be reviewed by the scientific advisory board of the Audio Branding Academy (see below). Selection criteria are practical and scientific relevance, scientific rigour, novelty of the applied approach, and results.

Proceedings: Manuscripts of accepted presentations will be published in the proceedings of the congress (Audio Branding Academy Yearbook 2012/2013).

Click here to learn more about the members of the Scientific Advisory Board.

The call is also available as pdf here.