Submission Details International
Sound Awards 2020

Dear all,
We live in a weird situation at the moment. Due to the corona crisis, nobody knows what life will be like in the next months. For the time being, we expect the ISA2020 Award Show on 17 September to take place as planned. However, we can’t be sure. Therefore, we want to inform you about measures we will take in case of a possible cancellation of the event. If the Reeperbahn Festival 2020 has to be cancelled, also the Award Show of the ISA2020 on 17 September can’t take place.
However, as most of the services we offer are online, we decided that we can still award the winners of the ISA2020, even without the event. But then we  will reduce the fees for the Winner and Grand Prix Award. More details about it here.
Optimistic as we are, we hope that all is good by September. We wish you good health and look forward to your submissions by 14 May (extended from 30 April).
All the best
Your ISA team
Please find here an overview of relevant information for the International Sound Awards 2020.
You can also download a PDF with the information.

Entry to the International Sound Awards is open to companies, nonprofit organisations, individuals, universities and students and everyone who wants to make the world sound better.

To submit your project for the International Sound Awards 2020, please read the Submission Details, the Terms & Conditions and fill out the Application Form.

Key dates

from 4 February to 14 May, 2020. All submission material must be entered by 14 May 2020.
May 2020
Notification of Betters Sound awards: June 2020 via email
Publication of Better Sound awards in the online gallery: June 2020
Award ceremony: 17 September 2020 during the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg. Revealing of Winner and Grand Prix projects.

Evaluation Procedure

All correctly and timely submitted applications will be presented to the jury. The jury consists of internationally known experts from the categories listed for the award. Overall criteria for the judges are: Smart, innovative and useful sound solutions and concepts, whereas sound is understood in a broad sense.

Each project is rated by at least 4 jurors on a scale of 1 to 10 points. The median of the juror’s ratings defines the result per project. Starting at 5.5 points, the project receives the Better Sound award. From 7.5 points one can call herself a Winner and from 9 points upwards the project gets the highest award, the Grand Prix.

Applicants will receive a written notice on the results. The jury’s decision is final.


Submission fee
300 Euros
Entries can be submitted in more than one category. For every additional category a fee of 100 Euros will be charged. (Transportation and travelling expenses must be carried by the applicant if, in exceptional cases, a submission must be sent for assessment). Following services are included:
Better Sound Award (regardless of number of categories
500 Euros
The honouring with a Better Sound Award comprises following services:
Winner Award per category
500 Euros
The honouring with a Winner Award comprises following services:
Grand Prix Award per category
700 Euros
The honouring with a Grand Prix Award comprises following services:


We give discounts on submission and winner fees for nonprofit organizations and mere student projects (only involving students). The submission fee is 100 Euros regardless of categories entered. In case of winning an award, 200 Euros per category will be charged. Fees for nomination are waived.


Awarded entries get the chance to present their project at the ‘ISA Sessions’ on 16 September. The Sessions are part of the official Reeperbahn Festival Conference program. Fee for a presentation is 300 Euros.


All fees are subject to VAT if applicable. Submissions are valid and admitted for judging only after payment has been received. Payments can be made by wire transfer, PayPal, TransferWise or similar payment services. Credit cards are not accepted

General requirements

  • Projects must have been put into practice
  • Category Research & Development: Studies should be substantially completed. Development should have reached prototype status with proof of concept
  • All submissions must be entered online
  • Submission material must be in English

Submission material

  • Abstract (max. 350 characters)
  • Project description (max. 3,000 characters)
  • Detailed information on outset, idea, concept, solution procedure, results:
  • Why is your project innovative, smart and useful? What makes it special and why does it deserve an award?  (max. 1,500 characters)
  • Which problem does your project solve? What does it improve? What is the reason behind it?  (max. 3,000 characters)
  • How did you solve the problem? How did you reach the goal? (max. 3,000 characters)
  • Credits
  • Presentation images
Optional, but highly recommended:
  • Case film (max. 120 seconds). The film will be shown to the jury and will be published in the online gallery.
  • Award film (max. 30 seconds). The film may be shown at the award show.
  • Further supporting material (formats: PDF, MP3, AIFF, WAV, MPEG4, AVI, MOV, PNG, JPEG, TIFF)
Terms & Conditions

Do you have any questions? Please contact us: