Brand Perception in TV Ads

Call for Papers – Talk

Implicit and Explicit Effects of Music on Brand Perception in TV Ads

Speaker: Dr. Daniel Müllensiefen (Goldsmiths College, University of London)


The talk describes a novel empirical method for matching music to consumer brands based on Asmus’ (1985) semantic differential for music. In Exp. 1 the method is applied to the selection of congruent and incongruent music for four TV ads for a juice brand. Exp. 2 measures the effect of the two types of music as well as silence on the persuasiveness of the ads by an effectiveness index derived from an advertising pre-testing questionnaire as well as by change in implicit attitudes towards the brand measured by reaction time in an Implicit Association Test (IAT). Congruent music significantly enhanced the effectiveness of at least one tested ad and in addition, the IAT test showed significantly positive attitudes towards the brand. However, no significant changes in implicit attitudes were found due to the influence of the music.


Asmus, E. P. (1985). The development of a multidimensional instrument for the measurement of affective responses to music. Psychology of Music, 13(1), 19-30.