To submit your project for the International Sound Awards 2025, please read the Submission Details, the Terms & Conditions and fill out the application form below. Note that your application is binding. On receipt of your application, you will receive an email with an invoice, a link to the submission form and further information.

All submission material must reach us by May 16th 2025 at the latest. Submissions after this date cannot be considered.

Application Company

Please choose a meaningful title up to 50 characters including spaces.
(max. 500 characters, for internal use only)


The submission fee of 300 Euros includes one category. For each additional category 100 Euros are charged.

Company details

(note: legal company name)

Billing address (if different from the address above)

(note: legal company name)

Contact person

Application Individual

Please choose a meaningful title up to 50 characters including spaces.
(max. 500 characters, for internal use only)


The submission fee of 95 Euros includes one category. For each additional category 25 Euros are charged.

Personal details

Billing address (if different from the address above)

(note: legal company name)

Contact person