Reinher Karl 02

21st of September 2016

Royalties, Rights and the Art of Creating Legally Compliant Sound-alikes

Lecturer: Reinher Karl, BKP & Partner


This workshop shows authors, producers, licensors and licensees of sound logos, sound snippets and short advertising music how to deal with the system of collecting societies and how they can monetize music on the Internet. We will also take a look at the world of sound-alikes.

1) Collective licensing provides a compromise between the exclusive right on the one hand and mandatory limitations and exceptions of copyright on the other hand. Collecting societies play a critical role for copyright in the digital age. The first part of the workshop will give a short survey on the basic principles of the system of music authors-/neighboring rights and their administration by collecting societies. We will also have a short look at the recalibration of the system due to EU Directive 2014/26/EU on collective rights management and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works which had to be adopted in national law across Europe until April, 10th 2016.

2) How to benefit from collecting societies and how to avoid losing money? That will be the key question of the second part of the workshop. Among other areas we will take a close look at the daily business of publishing companies and how they administer copyrights abroad. Monitoring, metadata the handling of cue sheets will be further question we have to deal with. Lastly we will take a closer look on new ways of monetizing music on free services such as YouTube.

3) Sometimes brands fall in love with a musical work, an artist or a simple tune. But what if the right holder does not allow the usage of the perfect title in an advertising campaign or claims an unaffordable, ridiculously high license fee? In our third part of the workshop we will explain creative ways to deliver in complicated licensing situations. One answer to the question: Sound-alikes.

4) The last part of the workshop will be open for discussion and individual questions.

Reinher Karl

Reinher Karl was born and raised at the foothills of the Bavarian Alps where he finished school in 1989. After he had spent some time in England he started studying law in Erlangen and finished his studies in Hamburg. One of his reasons to move from Bavaria to Hamburg was to get the opportunity to watch home games of the FC St. Pauli on a regular basis and currently he is one of the Vice Presidents of the club.

After he had collected some experience in the music and media business and as a lawyer, he finally co-founded the German law firm Beiler Karl Platzbecker & Partner which has been delivering a full service to companies from the creative industries and the IT sector since 2003. As a lawyer and Specialized Lawyer in Copyright and Media law his consulting work includes the marketing of rights and innovations, management of rights and cross-border-licensing. For his clients he secures, overlooks and protects trademarks, designs and utility model rights.

Since 2007 he has been Counsel of the Association of Independent Music Companies VUT e. V. representing more than 1,200 German independent medium-sized, small and micro music enterprises. In his areas of work he is a requested expert of decision-making and consultative bodies at the European, national and regional level. Reinher Karl is 47 years old and lives with his wife and his 9 year old daughter in Hamburg.

Workshop Program 2016