
Peugeot’s Audio Branding Program – The New Reference Point for Automotive Sound

Speaker: Michaël Boumendil
Client: Peugeot
Agency: Sixième Son – France

Abstract (Description of the project by Sixième Son)

Following the 2010 launch of a new tagline and visual identity, Peugeot called on Sixième Son to handle the creation of its audio identity. Faced with increased competition and a troubled economy, the brand ambitiously set out to craft a distinctive musical identity in order to strongly reaffirm its vision and product differentiation.

The result was a reinvention of the musical codes in the automotive sector. This music breaks away from the one dimensional, functional sounds put forward by industry competitors and enters into the emotional, that’s why it’s a real revolution. By boldly and ambitiously defining Peugeot’s musical DNA and bringing it to life across all brand touch points, the impact of the brand’s communication has been reinforced, as well as the understanding of the positioning and Peugeot’s ability to seduce. Never have brand identity tools been so powerful. The perception of the brand’s values ​​peaked on the dimensions of leadership, magic, passion, innovation and premium.

By taking a stand against the very noisy sounds frequently used in this sector, Peugeot put itself several years ahead of the competition.  The brand cast off the “all purpose” audio, characteristic of the industry and restored melodic writing in order to create a very surprising and narrative musical chemistry, which supports the core values of the brand: demanding, allure, dynamism, modernity, emotional, driving experience.

The brand did a complete overhaul of its sound, across all forms of media and in all countries by providing customized solutions to satisfy the global ambition of the brand as well as specific local needs. Peugeot has devoted as much attention to its sound identity as to its visual identity, a first in this industry. This program includes more than 100 countries on five continents. Started three years ago, it continues to grow through new applications and has now become the new reference point for automotive sound.

Time period of realization

September 2011 – January 2013 and then



In addition to the published information this case includes material that is confidential and only for the eyes and ears of the jury.