Audio Branding Yearbook 2011/2012

Building off the past two years of growing international interest, the 2011 Audio Branding Congress made the leap from Hamburg, Germany to New York City. The congress was held at Columbia University’s Faculty House on November 17, 2011.

The motto of the congress was “Stay Connected – Sound Global.” Setting this motto, it was important to stress this new phase of the activities of the Audio Branding Academy – leaving Hamburg to become even more international – to sound global.
“Stay Connected – Sound Global” also refers to the new developments and future prospects of building brands on mobile devices and apps by using sound.

This Yearbook contains articles about the Audio Branding Congress 2011 and its presentations. Included are impressive jury-selected award case studies (Swiss financial company UBS, the city of Vienna, Brazilian pharmaceutical manufacturer Airela, Brazilian water company Sabesp), contributions from the scientific Call for Papers 2011, and a comprehensive documentation of the branch study Audio Branding Barometer 2011. Additionally, an International Directory of Audio Branding suppliers is included.